I will be visiting The Doylestown Bookshop on August 31 (from 1 to 3). I will join several other 'local' authors.
Saverio Monachino's comic fiction noir
Saverio Monachino finished his first work of fiction 'By Any Means' in 2006. It has been a long strange trip back to earth but he finally landed and now his second book, 'Little Bit of Faith' is out the door. Officially published on February 5, 2024.
Monday, August 5, 2024
Event at the Doylestown Book Shop
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Little Bif of Faith ... Psychological Thriller? What else can it be?
Psychological Thriller? What better way to describe a neuropsychologist trying hard to understand exactly what her patient is trying to tell her. After all, if all access points to one’s memory shut down when comatose, memory becomes a smattering of all of the internal repositories as the patient begins to reengage. The silos harboring memories of books read begin to share space with those holding real time life events bringing time, space, thoughts and fears into a shared space inside one’s head. What segregates the wheat from the chaff, the real from the imagination so to speak, to bring a patient back into our three-dimensional world might also put and end to his search for existence in the great beyond.
If you would like to read more, look for
Saverio Monachino’s book ‘Little Bit of Faith’, which is available at 100 or so
online bookstores.